Opinion | Editorial Board

The Duke Chronicle

Pleading 1500 miles from Washington

The current situation in Puerto Rico is the result of larger structural issues that go beyond the American territory. We need to acknowledge that systems of white supremacy allow for the disproportionate treatment against people of color pleading for their lives 1500 miles away from Washington. Just as in previous natural disasters, the long rebuilding process ahead in the aftermath of Maria’s wrath in Puerto Rico will largely be predicated on a unified political commitment by the federal government and local leaders.

The Duke Chronicle

Duke Men's Project: Round two

By leveraging the isolation of the Duke bubble, the project has carved out an important space for self-reflection. While the world outside our walls may be pushing back against us (and while not all individuals among us may support this project), we wholeheartedly embrace it. It is time we push ourselves to challenge even the most uncomfortable notions here at Duke.  

The Duke Chronicle

How much is a picture worth?

Nevertheless, I find it unsettling that we spend so much of our free time skimming through hundreds—if not thousands—of images and life updates from people with whom we’d never hold more than a five-minute conversation. 

The Duke Chronicle

Black and Brown bodies: currency of the sporting world

Black and Brown athletes, it seems, are to live and breathe their profession with no regard for the outside world. Only when an athlete steps out of the realm of a football field or basketball court and speaks the language of race and politics are they stopped in their tracks and sent back to their respective spaces.

The Duke Chronicle

Guns, knives, and fidget spinners

My biggest takeaway from the gun show was that as much as I disagreed with these people’s politics or lifestyle choices, I can’t say that anyone I met was unkind or hostile in any way. In fact, everyone greeted us nicely with a smile. 

The Duke Chronicle

Sex and the politician

Weiner’s downfall exemplifies the potential career-ending costs of violating the expectations of personal conduct that come with representing the people through an elected position, and will hopefully serve as a lesson that no politician should be immune from acting in such a reprehensible manner. Nonetheless, the Weiner case remains a relatively rare exception rather than the norm when it comes to these types of transgressions. 

The Duke Chronicle

Neither red nor blue

 If someone who has given so much can being this work of reconciliation, how much farther can we just beginning carry it? We need only value people over party, and set principle above political gain. And I am hard-pressed to think why we would want things any other way

The Duke Chronicle

Adjusting to extroversion and elitism

As much as we would all love to believe that we can accomplish as much as the next person, we cannot hold this belief without recognizing that some of us will struggle more and have to work harder than others because of who we are and where we come from.

The Duke Chronicle

Inclusivity on an exclusive campus

Does inclusion mean spending time around people who are likely not going to be lifelong friends? Is it sticking with that group of o-week friends? Is there something wrong with choosing to spend more time with people with whom things simply "click" better? Or is inclusion only for specific times and places, within specific boundaries, or is it a constant goal to strive for?

The Duke Chronicle


Trump’s tweets dilute the integrity of his office, blurring the line between the unfiltered opinions of a reality tv star and what should be expected rhetoric from the leader of a politically powerful nation.

The Duke Chronicle

The media's credibility crisis

At its best, the media represents a critical aspect of any democracy by accurately reporting the news of the day to the public, but the media in its current form falls far short of that highest ideal. 

The Duke Chronicle

A game of solidarity

Anyone with the ability to change the world for good has the responsibility to act, and the great ability of these athletes comes with the great responsibility to make the world a better place. 

The Duke Chronicle

The crises no one talks about

It is imperative to focus on the problem, not only as a matter of morality, but also because regions plagued by displacement and instability have become breeding grounds for the next generation of global terrorists.

The Duke Chronicle

A blessed harvest

For the majority of us (who do not believe God gets kickbacks from con artists in Italian suits),  we ask, "How are these donations used?"

The Duke Chronicle

All is fair in politics and sports

Insinuating that athletes simply “play the game” is not only a cop-out of a larger, more important discussion around agency, police brutality and how little the United States values black lives, but also inherently dehumanizing.

The Duke Chronicle

They're not really like that, just get to know them

Duke students interact with dozens of peers each day, whether within their solidified friend groups, their same-as-freshman-year clubs, or that Greek crew they always darty with. But a recent investigation by the Department of Sociology unequivocally concluded that the person your friends dislike might seem rude or arrogant or facetious, but that attitude changes once you really get to know them.

The Duke Chronicle

48 hours a day

In your life at Duke, you are surrounded by people who are motivated, skilled, ambitious and successful, and you can learn so much from them if you are willing to reach out. Most people won’t take that initiative, but learning this fundamental skill can be something that truly separates you from the crowd.